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Enthusiasm gathers strength, the team blooms vitality-Taiaitai outdoor activities are a complete success

Publish date :2021.11.29

The majestic Great Wall is a rare ancient military defense project in the history of human architecture. It is the pride and symbol of the Chinese nation. It embodies the blood, sweat and wisdom of our ancestors. It is famous all over the world for its long history, vast engineering, and majestic spirit.


In order to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, inherit the red faith; inherit the spirit of Taiaitai, stimulate employee vitality, enhance team cohesion, and strengthen the construction of corporate culture. Taiaitai Group has launched a theme group with "Banlong Crouching Tiger, Vertical and Horizontal Golden Mountain" as the theme. Build activities.


Starting the journey of climbing the Great Wall, the friends who love Peptide were in high spirits and spirits along the way. Along the way, the flag of Taiaitai was flying on the Great Wall and marched in full gear, forming a beautiful landscape on the Great Wall.



The two-day outreach training lasted for more than 30 kilometers, and no one was left behind. It fully interprets the spirit of Taiaitai not to abandon, not to give up, and to move forward courageously! On the first day, we set off on foot from the Jinshanling Great Wall and passed the East Fifth Eye Building-Qilin Wall-General Building-and arrived at the camp. A MV clip of "Don't Forget Your Original Heart" recorded over a century.


After arriving at the camp, each team started to light a fire and cook. The members of each team have a clear division of labor. There are people who drill logs and collect firewood, and there are careful and virtuous girls who are responsible for washing vegetables and cutting meat. Start a fire, stir fry food, lay hands, pass the condiments... We all work together and cooperate with each other.



After everyone’s collaboration and cooperation, the delicious foods were made. Everyone tasted the delicious foods made by themselves and talked and laughed. The whole event was delicious and lively.



The next day, after breakfast, everyone set off from the camp and passed through Jinshanling West Gate-Panlongshan Great Wall-24 Eyes Building-and arrived at the end of Gubeikou.




During the two-day itinerary, six teams shuttled on the Great Wall and faced all kinds of difficulties and dangers. Everyone gave full play to the spirit of not being afraid of hardships and being brave to climb. During the process of climbing the Great Wall, everyone supported and encouraged each other, and there was no one during the period. Lagging behind. With a positive attitude, everyone can experience the fun of "one step at a time". When the challenge is completed, everyone gains not only the beautiful scenery and the fun of the challenge, but also a new understanding of the strength of the team.




This activity not only exercises the will of the employees, strengthens team cohesion and overall centripetal force, through the activity, allows employees to quickly integrate into the team, find a sense of collective belonging, and strengthen communication between employees; at the same time, apart from intense work pressure, get close to nature. Let the soul free, improve work enthusiasm and enthusiasm, and lay a solid foundation for the company's humanistic construction and sustainable development.