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    Taitai Wu Xia: The Inheritor of the "Peptide" Business

    Publish date :2021.11.29


    Pictured: Ms. Wu Xia, Chairman of Taiaitai Group

           In 2016, Ms. Wu Xia formally took over the Taiaitai Group.

      Ms. Wu Xia is the inheritor of the spirit of her father, Mr. Wu Qinglin. Before taking over Taiaitai, Ms. Wu Xia had her own business, but she was both a witness and a participant in her father's Peptide business. After the death of her father, it became her career to love peptide too much.

    "Peptides" are good for health

    With the rapid development of biotechnology, peptide research has become another important field of life science research after genetic engineering. At present, peptide products have been widely used in many fields such as medicine, food, health care products, cosmetics, biological materials, and biological pesticides.As a common and commonly used functional food, China is deeply aware of the significance of peptides to promote the health of Chinese people and promote industrial upgrading. The research and popularization of peptides are also deepening, and they have even surpassed international counterparts in some areas . As the social and commercial value of peptides has become increasingly prominent, it has also inspired a large number of companies to enter the peptide market.

    Taiaitai is a large-scale group high-tech enterprise dedicated to the research and development, production, sales and service of small molecule peptide powder and functional food. It owns many large-scale production bases such as Dachang, Dalian, Daqing, etc., and more than 20 professional production lines. The annual output of Taiai peptide "small molecule peptide" and "biologically active peptide" raw powder and products is nearly 5,000 tons. Fans not only meet the needs of the domestic market. In addition, the group has also developed more than 290 kinds of animal, herbaceous, and medicinal-food homologous small molecule active peptides, laying a solid foundation for the group's long-term layout.

    At present, the group not only owns more than 30 products led by five series: Ether Love Peptide, Meiji Peptide Energy, Yishengtai, Peptide, and Qitianmei, but also provides new product development, OEM, ODM, sample processing, and product customization. And many other professional services. As a global supplier of high-quality small molecule peptide raw materials and products, the professional strength and brand influence of Taiaitai Group are beyond doubt.


    Pictured: Taiaitai Group now has more than 290 kinds of small molecule active peptide powder, with an annual output of more than 5,000 tons of raw powder

    Before Honor, there must be Humility

    Ms. Wu Xia said: Outsiders have only seen the many awards that Taiaitai has won, but only we know what we have done for these results. One day is simple, and one year is simple, but it’s really not easy to do scientific research year after year and never slack off. From product development, material selection, formulation development, production process, quality supervision, and packaging process, Taiaitai insists on quality first, product is king, and even makes products with an almost critical attitude. "Do not pursue short-term benefits, and be a company with a bottom line and a conscience." Such a sentence that is easy to understand and difficult to do is truly interpreted and practiced by Taiaitai.


    Pictured: Taiaitai Group's advanced production and processing equipment

             While adhering to independent research and development, in terms of product development and production, Taiaitai Group has always adhered to the use of advanced production equipment and exquisite production technology, and these have also created today's unparalleled core competitiveness of Taiaitai.

       Those who get talents have the world. Human resources are an important and valuable capital of an enterprise. Taiaitai Group also attaches great importance to personnel training and echelon construction, and continuously injects fresh blood into the development and growth of the group. At present, the group already has a R&D team with rich experience, superb technology and a reasonable mix of old, middle-aged and young people. It has formed a R&D team composed of doctors, masters and senior industry experts, with more than 60 R&D teams.

       Not to relax in fantasy, not to vain voice, is the development concept of the people at the helm of Too Love Peptide. Under the guidance of such a concept, Taiaitai has not only won the trust of partners and consumers, but also made Taiaitai a synonym for industry benchmarking and professionalism.


    Pictured: Taiaitai Group's advanced production and processing equipment

    To continue the "peptide" business is a responsibility and a mission

    For Ms. Wu Xia, carrying the banner of too much love peptide is a mission and responsibility given to her by her father. "I will continue the consistent style of Taiaitai and put all the focus on scientific research, because the foundation of Taiaitai's business for more than 20 years is scientific research and development." Wu Xia said. In the development of Taiaitai, Ms. Wu Xia is inheriting her father’s spirit of peptides, using scientific and technological research and development to contribute to the development of "Peptides", so that more people can benefit from "Peptides", which has become Wu Xia's current business. Pursue.

       It can be said that the development of Too Love Peptide is stable now. When asked by reporters about the OEM service model of Taiaitai International, Ms. Wu Xia said: The international OEM model is the core business of the Taiaitai Group. It is also measured from multiple perspectives of market demand and industrial chain construction. Taiaitai not only has the ability and strength to do OEM OEM services, but also the future development strategy and core sector of our group. To build a new OEM service system for Taiaitai In the future, Taiaitai will continue to integrate resources, increase investment in scientific research, focus on talent construction, improve service levels, and gradually build a flexible, efficient and professional OEM service model, and make full use of Taiaitai’s uniqueness in the peptide industry. Some scientific research, talents, management, production, and service advantages create value for others, help health, and promote the coordinated and orderly development of the peptide industry in breadth and depth."


    Pictured: Taiaitai Group's advanced production and processing equipment

    "To do a good job in OEM foundry services, in addition to the corporate strength mentioned above, we must also pay attention to the effectiveness of OEM foundry services. From market analysis, product positioning, qualification management, packaging design, logistics services, operation promotion, etc. We will provide professional one-stop service in every link. Moreover, these services are not only verbal, but are actually implemented on the ground. With strength, and the service focuses on practical results, we can rest assured that this may be our good OEM The biggest advantage of OEM service lies.” Ms. Wu Xia said truthfully.

    It is not difficult to see that the reason why Ms. Wu Xia favors the OEM marketing model is that this model can not only maximize the full integration and utilization of the group’s existing resources, but also make better use of the group’s R&D, talents, and production. Various advantages such as promoting the steady development of the group, but also the beauty of adults, help the implementation of health strategies, promote the healthy development of the domestic peptide industry, and give full play to the professional leading role of Taiaitai in the field of peptides at home and abroad.

       If there is any way to operate too much, I think that the "specific, dedicated, and professional" attitude is that it has become the most effective "Dao" of the industry leader.