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    Walk along the way to create the "peptide" industry! Welcome back home: Mr. Abdu, a family from Xinjiang

    Publish date :2021.11.29

    Unite and develop together, walk along the way, thank you for having you! On May 19th, May 19th, as the general agent of Xinjiang that has been cooperating with Taiaitai for nearly ten years, Mr. Abu Du returned to his home in Beijing Taiaitai Group!


    Mr. Abdul participated in the morning meeting with everyone. As the sharer of the morning meeting today, Mr. Abdul shared on the spot, “Returning to Too Love Peptide is like returning home. I hope to continue to share the peptide with my family. The market is bigger and stronger, and we contribute our strength to the society." Mr. Abdu's sharing won everyone's warm applause.


    In the next morning session of the sports game session, Taiaitai chairman Ms. Wu Xia and Mr. Abu Du played a game with everyone to report group warming, and even more felt the spirit of Taiaitai's full of vitality and unity. .



    After the morning meeting, in the meeting room, Mr. Abudu accepted an exclusive interview with Zhao Xuhui, Director of Taiai Peptide Brand Operation Center. Mr. Abdul said: “I’m back to Taiaitai again, I feel very cordial. Since 2013, I became acquainted with Taiaitai. Because of Mr. Wu, because of the products developed by Taiaitai, many people around me have recovered their health. So peptides will continue to do so, and I also hope that we will make the peptide market bigger and stronger together."


    After Mr. Abdu’s sharing, Taiaitai chairman Wu Xia also told everyone about the relationship between Taiaitai and Mr. Abdu. Chairman Wu said: "We love peptide too much and we must love Mr. Abdu, because Since the development of Taiaitai, Mr. Abdul has always been there, whether it is a peak or a low point. This is a manifestation of love, tolerance and ethics. In the future, Taiaitai will continue to look at problems from the perspective of all agents. To empower and support agents like Mr. Abdul. To advance and retreat, and to share honor and disgrace, we use our actions to vigorously support partners who are fighting side by side all the way. There is no you, me, and him among partners. In the big health industry , Let's roll up our sleeves and work hard together!"


    Chairman Wu also said that he welcomes Mr. Abdu to go home again!


    In the era of one health, Taiaitai has developed to be able to carry the dream of creating wealth, provide cooperative enterprises with all-round empowerment, provide nanny services, and tailor exclusive product IP. Taiaitai is a research and development expert. Use us Strong scientific research strength has become a strong backing for the development of partners.